Sup Ladies! Jude here. I am 1/2 a year old now so I thought I would write my own blog instead of just dictating it for my Dad. This past month I had my first Christmas, went to another couple of OKC Thunder games (NBA) where I met the cheerleaders (no big deal). Just another day in the life...
I had fun in Sulphur Springs, Paris, Dallas for some basketball games, and of course Norman with the folks.
I eat rice cereal and oatmeal, but sometimes the folks throw in some green beans or peas...Not so good. I gag and act like it is the worst thing ever, but I am really just messing with the parents--its not that bad...
I say MaMaMaMa and BaBa...I have not said DaDa yet because Dad keeps insisting--so I just look at him in the eye and say 'MAMA' . Ha! But I will say it for him eventually; right now I am having too much fun. Enjoy the (many) pictures below, and thanks for stopping by!
[As always, click the picture to view it as a larger image]
You are a much better blogger than your father, and you should insist that he quit tagging along with you to the Thunder games. He's really cramping your style. Give the Thunder Girls my love.
Jude, too bad our parents got to visit at TD, but we didn't even get to see each other. Maybe next time!! Can I hang out with those cheerleader chicks with you next time??
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