Sup Ladies! Jude here. I am 1/2 a year old now so I thought I would write my own blog instead of just dictating it for my Dad. This past month I had my first Christmas, went to another couple of OKC Thunder games (NBA) where I met the cheerleaders (no big deal). Just another day in the life...
I had fun in Sulphur Springs, Paris, Dallas for some basketball games, and of course Norman with the folks.
I eat rice cereal and oatmeal, but sometimes the folks throw in some green beans or peas...Not so good. I gag and act like it is the worst thing ever, but I am really just messing with the parents--its not that bad...
I say MaMaMaMa and BaBa...I have not said DaDa yet because Dad keeps insisting--so I just look at him in the eye and say 'MAMA' . Ha! But I will say it for him eventually; right now I am having too much fun. Enjoy the (many) pictures below, and thanks for stopping by!
[As always, click the picture to view it as a larger image]